The management board is a managing body of the private limited company which represents and manages the private limited company. The management board may have one member (a manager) or several members. A member of the management board need not be a shareholder. A member of the management board must be a natural person with an active legal capacity.
Please provide information and required documents about the management board member(s).
1st board member information
1st board member documents
2nd board member information
2nd board member documents
3rd board member information
3rd board member documents
4th board member information
4th board member documents
6. Shareholder(s)
The company may have one registered shareholder or several. A shareholder can be an individual or a company.
Please provide shareholder information and required documents. If the management board member(s) is (are) the same as the shareholder(s), please write ‘same as the shareholder’ in the table and skip the rest of this section.
1st shareholder information
1st shareholder documents
2nd shareholder information
2nd shareholder documents
3rd shareholder information
3rd shareholder documents
4th shareholder information
4th shareholder documents
The beneficial owner of a company is the natural person who ultimately owns or controls the legal entity through the direct or indirect holding of a sufficient number of shares, voting rights, or ownership, including participation in the form of bearer shares or otherwise (the persons controlling at least 25 per cent plus one share of the company, directly or through other companies). Therefore, the individual(s) mentioned above in this section is (are) considered a UBO (UBOs).
If the shareholder will be legal entity, please provide the documentation mentioned in the Appendix.